Friday, May 5, 2017

"Commie Crunch" - Cereal Box Project

     This is my cereal box for "Commie Crunch." The strongest aspect of my work is my front cover. This is the stingiest aspect because the text fills a decent space with good negative spacing, and the bottom is filled with a cereal bowl with custom made cereal and the cereal's mascot. The weakest part of my work is the back of the box. I think this is the weakest because I couldn't think of what to put in the bottom left of it so I put something somewhat boring and plain.
     The easiest part of this project was making the logo. I made the logo by going online and getting a USSR font, then typed the name and warped it to how I wanted. I then took a USSR hammer and sickle and put it above the "O" in commie as an added touch. The hardest part of this project was making the cereal. To make it I took the USSR hammer and sickle and put a cheerio as texture inside of it. The reason I think it was hard is because it didn't come out very well due to the fact it was difficult to find a cereal piece big enough to somewhat proportionally fit into the hammer and sickle.
     I demonstrated the objective in the project by making an original cereal box with all the requirements (cover, nutrition facts, ingredients, etc) as well as following the dimensions so after it was done it could be printed and folded and glued into a small cereal box. If I could do this activity again I would do relatively the same thing but make a different cereal called "ConservitO's" which would be the same theme as "Commie Crunch" but with a republican theme.

1 comment:

  1. This was done nicely and the theme carries over through the box design. Nice use of color palette. I understand why the color palette was so plain I just wish there was more that could have displayed the photoshop tools.
