Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Contact Sheet & Prints

Artist Reflection:

     These are my developed test strips, contact sheet, and 5x7 prints of my photo. The strongest technical aspect of my work is my 5x7 print in the middle. This is the stingiest technical aspect because it shows all the values of light (white, grays, and black) and retains the white border without having any minor flaws. A technical aspect of my work that can be improved is the photo itself. The photo was taken in a spot with a lot of shade, so the photo came out some what dull/bland and didn't have much going for it besides the wheel in the middle.
     There were easy and hard parts of this activity. By far the easiest thing we did during this activity was taking the photos. All we had to do was take the already loaded camera and go shoot. The most difficult part of this project was the fact that I had to do the 5x7 print 3 times. I found this not necessarily hard, but more tedious then anything because the enlarger was ready and all I had to do was re adjust the easel and then re develop.
     I demonstrated the objective in this activity by getting all the values of light included in my 5x7 prints. If I could do this activity again I would do multiple thing differently. First, I would change the picture. While the picture was good for completing the objective I felt it was boring and didn't have much except for the wheel. The other thing I would do differently is to make less mistakes and have to make less 5x7 prints and test strips, keeping in mind, even though there are only 6 works shown, Cam has the other half of what we did and more test strips from before.

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