Friday, October 23, 2015

Polaroid Project


Artist Reflection:

     This is my polaroid project. The stingiest technical aspect of this project are the polaroids. I feel this way because  without them this project couldn't even be done. The weakest aspect of my work that can be improved on is the actual original picture. I feel I should've picked one with the focal point in the middle rather than off to the right so the polaroids wouldn't be as spread out.

     There were both easy and difficult activities in this project. The easiest part of this project to me was the background. I found this easy because I just removed the original photo's background then added my own by using a brush with 0% hardness and 5000px size and put the reddish maroon of the man's shirt in the corners and his skin color for the main background, I then used the burn tool to give the effect of the dark line in the background. The hardest part of this project for me was the polaroids. I found this hard because it took me a very long time to finish placing them and it was tedious removing small parts of each and every one.

     I demonstrated the objective in this in this project. I did this by making the polaroids look like they were spread on on a table and making a background with elements of my person's sport, golf. If I could do this activity again I would choose a different photo and make a different background. I would choose a different photo because I didn't like how my person was off to the right and would have preferred him to be in the middle of the photo. I would also make a new background because I didn't like the colors I used 100% and would've preferred to use something more fitting.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job using the polygon lasso tool to create the illusion of scattered Polaroids with something breaking the plane. When you have a chance re-work the background to include symbols that connect to the foreground.
