Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Coffee Camera

Artist Reflection:

     This is my work made with my Coffee Camera. The strongest aspect of my work is the 5x7 work shown in the picture. This is the stingiest aspect because it shows all values of light, and you can clearly see the thing we took the photo of (pumpkin with hat on). An aspect that can be improved upon is the camera itself. The can was fine but I would've improved upon the tin foil outside and the paper on top to make sure no light got through. When we did our initial testing a small amount of light got through allowing for a light gray spot in the corner of the paper. I would've covered up more on the can itself to make sure no light could bleed through.
     There were easy parts and hard parts to this activity. The easier part of this activity was taking the picture itself. All we needed to do was put the can on 1 stool, have the pumpkin on the other, and then lift up the tape for 3sec and we were done. The hardest part of this activity was covering and painting the can. I found this hard simply because I am not very good a small crafts like that and it took me a long time to do so.

     I demonstrated the objective in this activity by doing all the steps to making the camera work. First we had to put a test strip in and then go outside for 30sec to make sure light wouldn't bleed through. Next, we had to put a test strip inside then have something to take a picture of across from the camera, then we lifted up the light hole flap and held it there for 3mins. After we did 3 mins the picture came out black so we dropped the time down to 1min, 30sec, 25sec, 20sec, 5sec, and finally 3sec. After we had a successful test strip at 3sec we did our final on a 5x7 sheet and exposed it for 3sec and got our perfect picture. If I could do this activity again I would change the picture we took. While I do like the one we already took, I think it would be cool if we had done a picture of something bigger and have a detailed background of the tree line behind it to really show off the capability of the coffee canmera.