Artist Reflection
This is my edit of a photo that I have named "Mountain Scene." The strongest aspect of my work in my opinion is the left side rock group. I feel this is the stingiest aspect because the way it came out was clean and sharp. An aspect of my work that I feel could be improved is my sky. Now looking back I think it could be improved because it is very bland compared to everything else in the work.The easiest part of this activity was working with Photoshop itself. I found this easy because I personally own Photoshop on my computer at home and though I don't use it for things like this, I still have enough experience with it to make my time using it much easier. The hardest part of this project was finding the right picture to use. This was difficult because I wasn't in this class when pictures were taken for this activity so I had to look through pictures on google to find the right one. Those were the easiest and hardest things of the activity.
I demonstrated the objective of this project with the paint brush tool on Photoshop. I achieved the goal with irk because it is the tool I used to make the blending effects and other things like snowflakes on the image. If I could do this activity again I would do a couple things differently. One thing I would do differently is the sky. I could've put more effort into the sky but at the time I couldn't think of anything creative to put in the sky to make it look good. Another thing I would do differently is the groupings. Instead of coin one big group at a time I would do each individual thing to make the image look even more detailed.